Request Proposal

AndisCorp welcomes the opportunity to respond to your request for proposal.

You can send us a request via email at, fax us at 240-993-7501, or give us a call with the follow information:

  1. Name of your organization
  2. Your contact information
  3. Indicate whether you are interested in pure Staffing/HR/Payroll Services or HOA Services without on-site staffing, or HOA Services including staffing (i.e., Receptionist, Maintenance Employee, Manager. . ..)
  4. Detail how many units in your association and/or how many employees and types you would like us to manage
  5. Indicate the approximate time before you may need our services
  6. If you are seeking services for an HOA, list Common Areas to be maintained (i.e., grass, club room, gym, pool, etc.)
  7. Why are you dissatisfied why your current provider?

If you click on the button below, we can also collect this information on-line.

Thank you