AndisCorp welcomes the opportunity to respond to your request for proposal.
You can send us a request via email at, fax us at 240-993-7501, or give us a call with the follow information:
- Name of your organization
- Your contact information
- Indicate whether you are interested in pure Staffing/HR/Payroll Services or HOA Services without on-site staffing, or HOA Services including staffing (i.e., Receptionist, Maintenance Employee, Manager. . ..)
- Detail how many units in your association and/or how many employees and types you would like us to manage
- Indicate the approximate time before you may need our services
- If you are seeking services for an HOA, list Common Areas to be maintained (i.e., grass, club room, gym, pool, etc.)
- Why are you dissatisfied why your current provider?
If you click on the button below, we can also collect this information on-line.
Thank you