Reduce Liability with AndisCorp Staffing or Payroll Services

Benefits of Staffing:

Why spend time recruiting and hiring people for your needs and be left with having to ensure that you are operating under today’s legal employment requirements.  With the ever-changing legislation regarding the Affordable Care Act, you could be subject to penalties and not even know it.  Are you up-to-date on the proper handling of employment matters like FMLA?  If you are not on top of case law and (for instance) and you deny your employee time off under FMLA to care for a grandparent or other relatives because FMLA is for parents or children, you can open yourself to liability.  An employer must make the additional effort of informing the employee that coverage would apply if that relative stood in loco parentis to the employee when the employee was a child.

AndisCorp can help you reduce your employee liability by hiring and managing all the employees for your site.  Furthermore, where you have existing employees you would like to keep on site and you want to reduce your efforts regarding benefits and payroll administration, let Andis provide the support you need under our Payrolling service.  Call or email us at

Payrolling Services:

Whether your goal is to decrease headcount or reduce overhead, AndisCorp can provide you with flexible and fully customized payroll services. Our goal is to save you time and money while providing you with accurate payroll and exceptional customer service. Our program enables our clients to efficiently and cost effectively engage the talent you need, while minimizing risk by outsourcing the administration associated with contract labor. Andis hires your pre-identified contingent workers as our own W-2 employees.

If security is your concern, rest assured that AndisCorp adheres to the tough data security regulations required by federal compliance agencies. Lastly, you never want to be caught off-guard by regulatory changes. Therefore, Andis, monitors all applicable federal, state and local laws that may affect payroll at your organization. We stay informed so that you are at all times informed.

As Employer of Record, AndisCorp delivers comprehensive payroll solutions that handle all payroll, insurance, taxes and compliance for staff in the public and private sector. We protect clients from misclassification of employees and independent contractors as it relates to IRS rules, the Service Contract Act and the Davis Bacon Act.

Our Solutions Include:

  • Guaranteed weekly, bi-weekly or monthly payroll
  • Medical Benefits
  • Drug Testing and Background Checks
  • Expense and Per Diem Payments to Employees
  • Direct Deposit
  • General Liability Insurance
  • End of Year Reporting
  • Customized Billing
  • Accounting Reports
  • Time and Attendance Tracking